My name is Alex Washesky and I have been passionate about cooking and food from a young age. I’ve always been interested in finding new recipes from different cuisines around the world and replicating them at home. Recently, I took an interest in learning more about the different regional cuisines from my own country and was impressed by what I found; so much so that I want to create a platform to share these culinary traditions with more people.This website is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about the regional cuisines of the United States of America and prepare these recipes at home. If you have a passion for food and cooking, this site is for you.
Contrary to popular belief, American food is more than just hamburgers and hotdogs. Regional American food is so unique and fascinating because each region’s cuisine has been shaped by and is reflective of our country’s history and local ingredients.The foods that you will find in this blog range from humble, everyday food, to more sophisticated, upscale meals - the one thing that they all will have in common is that they are uniquely American. The recipes in this website are divided into seven different geographic regions (New England, Mid-Atlantic, South, Midwest, Southwest, Rocky Mountains and Pacific), along with an eighth “National” category, which contains dishes that don’t have a particularly strong claim to any region of the US. I grouped these regions together using two primary metrics: geography and food culture. While I know that there will be overlap in cuisines from region to region, the overall layout is designed to best highlight the unique culinary traditions of each US region. For all international readers, in the “notes” section there are substitutes for ingredients that may be more difficult to obtain outside of the US, and metric conversions are also provided.
I encourage you to write in to me with any recipes from the region that you are from in the US. I am from the Philadelphia area, so I am naturally less familiar with culinary traditions from other areas of the country. If the recipe is a good match for this site, I would be happy to post it and give you a shoutout!